
Weekly Brain Dump: Weddings, Slacking on Self Care, and Finally a Trip!

I’m so sorry I’ve been slacking on all this blog lately. I’ve been so scattered the past few weeks with everything going on and after a few busy weeks, I’ve found myself slacking on my self care – which includes writing.

Last week my niece got married so it was a busy weekend, but I was so glad to be her maid of honor on the big day! I even survived giving the speech, although I could do without hearing my voice echoed back to me ever again 😂

Now I’m working on planning my own, and I hope to keep it as stress free for everyone involved as possible! In the end I want the day to be about Chris and I, since that’s ultimately what it’s all about. We may not take an entirely traditional route, which hopefully will make planning more straightforward! It also helps that I’ve had plenty of time to think about it all before Chris proposed.

I mentioned above that I’m slacking on self care. I feel like I can get in a routine with things that help other people, but when it comes to myself, I find it hard to stick too consistently. I often put myself on the back burner before anything else.

I haven’t been sticking with the positive routines I’ve been working on establishing. Especially reading, journaling, writing, and relaxing. This usually puts in an overall grumpy mood and I never want to keep up on cleaning or responsibilities either.

I finished my 100 Day workout challenge at day 118 and while I didn’t see many physical results (I honestly don’t know what my body’s deal is), it felt good to be active daily.

It also felt good to know I could stick to something for that long and I would love to apply it to other things in my life. I’ve been toying with the idea of doing a 100 day writing challenge where I write for 30 minutes every day. It’s a love of mine that I got out of habit with as I grew older and life happened, so I would love to reignite that spark again. My best friend and I need a creative weekend so we can write crazy fan fictions like we did back in the day.

Next weekend we are taking a trip as a family and I’m looking forward to it! Little man hasn’t gone on a plane or a big trip yet, so I think he’s going to be excited. I myself am ready for a little getaway. Especially since Chris has been picking up time at work and I feel like it’s been rare for us to hang out all together lately. It’s been awhile since we went anywhere without another group or for more than a couple days.

I haven’t been feeling my best this week, I’m honestly meh because I’ve been eating like an asshole. Do you ever have those times where you feel bad because you haven’t been eating healthy and it stresses you out, so you just eat more bad? That’s the week I’m having😂.I know I’ll get back in the groove, but in the moment it’s like girl, what are you doing?!

Stay tuned next week for a formal blog post! I know it’s been a minute.

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